Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2012

Politische Gespräche in der WG Küche zu neunt

Festivalbändchen von vor Jahren an den Armen tragen.
Im Kino laut reden, Zeitungen aufheben
aus vollem Lauf eben auf Sandburgen drauftreten.

Always: kill.

Dienstag, 5. Juni 2012

Always: kill.

Thou shalt not judge a book by its cover;

Thou shalt not buy Coca Cola products;

Thou shalt not buy nestle products;

Thou shalt not fall in love so easily;

Thou shalt not use poetry, art or music to get into girls pants
use it to get into their heads;

Thou shalt not pimp my ride.

When I say Hey thou shalt not say Ho

When I say Hip thou shalt not say Hop

When I say, he say, she say, we say, make some noise? kill me.

Thou shalt not quote me happy.

Thou shalt not shake it like a Polaroid picture.
Thou shalt not wish you girlfriend was a freak like me.

Thou shalt think for yourselves.

Thou shalt always kill!